Experience Aubrey Organics - 100% Natural Hair, Skin and Body Care


"Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands."

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Washing Machine Bucket


* 5-gallon bucket or cat litter container with lid
* Toilet plunger

Cut hole in middle of lid for plunger handle to fit through and three in plunger for agitation.

Store in bucket:
* Detergent (Baking Soda)
* Vinegar (add 1/2 cup to rinse water) helps remove soap residue and softens clothes
* Peroxide for whites to remove stains

To Use:
* Empty contents of bucket.
* Place water, small amount of detergent, and clothes in bucket.
* Move plunger up and down for a few minutes or until clothes are clean.
* Remove soapy clothes and ring them out.
* Dump out soapy water
* Place soapy clothes in bucket and fill with clear, clean water.
* Add 1/2 cup vinegar to rinse water.
* Move plunger up and down to rinse clothing.
* Wring out clothes and hang to dry.

Box Oven

.. in progress ..